Where in the world is carmen sandiego gameshow
Where in the world is carmen sandiego gameshow

Played for Laughs during the clue segments, especially when they involved guest stars.

  • Acme Products: The sleuths worked for the Acme Detective Agency, the agency the player of the computer games works for.
  • Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? provides examples of:

    where in the world is carmen sandiego gameshow

    note Geographically speaking, Hawaii is not considered to be part of any continent. In the second season, this was expanded to all of North America presumably, Hawaii was never an option. The winner of that round played the end game, placing markers on a large floor map, hoping to arrest Carmen herself and win the grand prize of a trip anywhere in the 48 contiguous United States. The two remaining children played a game akin to Concentration, looking for the loot, the warrant and the crook, in that order. Halfway through the show, the lowest scorer was eliminated. Instead of playing for cash, the young "detectives" played for points, here called "Acme Crime Bucks".

    where in the world is carmen sandiego gameshow

    Three children answered multiple-choice geography questions while pursuing a member of Carmen's gang, who had stolen a famous landmark.


    The series was a co-production between WGBH Boston and WQED Pittsburgh. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? is an Educational Game Show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer games by Brøderbund, which ran for five seasons (295 episodes 65 episodes each in Seasons 1-3 and 50 episodes each in Seasons 4-5) on PBS from Septemto Decem(with reruns airing until May 31, 1996).

    Where in the world is carmen sandiego gameshow