W parker double barrel shotgun 13 gauge
W parker double barrel shotgun 13 gauge

Sears, Roebuck and Company Ranger brand double barrel shotgunsīy entering this site you declareyou are 18 or older,you read and agreed to theSite Terms,acknowledged ourPrivacy Policyand you understand that your use of the site"s content is made at your own risk and responsibility. LC Smith Double Barrel Shotgun w/Hammers & Damascus Barrel I have a Parker Brothers Shotgun dated Mait has. See more: Weight Of One Gallon Of Milk Weigh In Pounds? How Much Does A Gallon Of Milk Weigh I have an 1886 12 gauge, double barrel, Damascus barrel, LC Smith shotgun. I have a Wilmot 12 gauge damascus double barrel shotgun with. Gun Facts: Syracuse Arms Company 12-gauge double barrel shotguns Model 1883 12 gauge damascus double barrel I have a 1891 parker bros 12 ga dbbl barrel shotgun G-grade in damascus ste. J Stevens Arms Springfield Double Barrel 12-Gauge Here is a "The Fulton" - Hunter Arms 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. I have a 12 ga parker brothers damascus barrell double hamme.


What is the general value of a Parker double barrel shotgun, serial number. As with their single-shot brothers, their limited capacity and long barrels make double-barrel shotguns a poor. Their light weight makes them faster and easier to swing onto a moving target.

w parker double barrel shotgun 13 gauge

richard 12 gauge double barrel shotgun worth its made in bel. Double-barrel shotguns are an extremely popular choice for all types of bird hunting sports, as well as trap and skeet shooting. I have an 1878 Parker Brothers Damascus Steel Double Barrel 12Gdg. I am a young gunsmith I want to bring back that art I need help books information anything will help me to bring back that art After which on the net a broad selection of products it’s doable receive. Due to the fact encouraging it is unparelled getting pregnant, modified furthermore now accommodated absolutely no more than alone. Kc is right,GH is the grade,it"s a step up from the PH,which is the lowest grade for engraved guns in Parker"s line.It went VH-PH-GH-DH-CH-BH-AH-AAH-A1 Special.Each step up had nicer wood,and more as well as finer engraving.The VH was plain,the PH slightly engraved,GH more scroll work and the addition of game scenes.And as he said,the barrels should be marked "Parker Special Steel".His values were right,but production of 12Ga. W Parker Double Barrel Shotgun 13 Gauge W Parker Double Barrel Shotgun 13 Gauge is usually the best items introduced the foregoing few days. I also changed my User Name to "RPS" from "arpey" NOTE: On Sunday, April 29 I uploaded a better set of images of this firearm, taking down those uploaded with the original post. I"m no expert on the Parkers, but believe the "GH" refers to the grade of the barrel, not to a model designation. There were only 63 12 gauges made and value in Fair to Good condition is $1,650.00 to $2,500.00 USD, respectively.Hope this helps,kcbuck

w parker double barrel shotgun 13 gauge

Model GH there should be some game scenes engraving and the barrels marked "Parker Special Steel".

W parker double barrel shotgun 13 gauge